the zoom meeting being taken from the car is perfect! 😭

the steaming pile of shit, so beautiful!

takahashi not being able to chop wood well, relatable!

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I really rated this one. The local rep showed it for two nights, and I nearly missed it too, as I didn't realize that it was Hamaguchi's latest until I looked it up. I'm surprised that it didn't have more press given the accolades that Drive My Car received. Agreed that it demands the reader's attention, but it also rewards it too. The slow, real-time footage of protagonist filling the water jugs, cutting wood, and walking with his daughter are quite relaxing and enjoyable in their own right. But that ending! Really does leave a ton to talk about.

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Thanks for your thoughts! I was the same, I didn't connect it to Drive My Car until someone told me. All in all it's a really complex and beautiful sensory experience.

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really can't wait to see this one

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absolutely worth seeing it in a theater!

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