Jan 25Liked by One Thing

Beautifully sold - have just bought one. Just wondering which fountain pen you use?

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Thank you for reading!! I've been using a Sailor fountain pen—also Japanese and has a very faint amount of friction when writing, similar to a soft pencil. It's such a nice, tactile writing experience

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so glad to have read this little ode to the stalogy. After vacillating around stationery options throughout most of my teenaged and young adult years, i'm glad to be landing on some old reliables. a good journal+pen combo really is divine--the sensory experience of the writing becomes almost as enjoyable as the writing itself. gets me a little more excited to put words to page :)

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I don't get on with the daily Hobonichi either but I really like the Weeks edition. Much less intimidating to use and it's a slimmer thing to carry around.

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Stalogy is really beautifully structured! My only issue was the paper was too delicate and I had to use a blotter.

These days, however, I use a diary designed for lefties...sold in an online shop dedicated to lefties.


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Good stuff in your hands is always appreciated

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Just got a Midori 5 year & share your Japanese paper goods love. Do you have any favorite inexpensive "field note" books, spiral bound and big/sturdy enough for watercolor?

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